Start with a short prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to open your heart to God’s voice during this time.
Read the gospel out loud once as a group.
Then, spend 5 minutes in silence, inviting everyone to read through it a second time silently on their own, encouraging the group to underline particular parts of the passage that stand out to them.
Begin a time of sharing, based on the reflection questions below
End in prayer.
What word, phrase or line stood out to you in this reading?
Why do you think the Holy Spirit has led you to this particular part of the passage? What might God be trying to say to you?
Is there anything in this passage you don’t understand or would like clarification on?
What invitation does God have for you in this passage? How might he be inviting you to act on this invitation?
How can the group pray for you in the week ahead?
St Benedict's Catholic Community
301 Warrigal Rd, Burwood Victoria, Australia